Thursday, June 5, 2014

Today's Stories - Lexi

Hello Everyone,

Everything ever written that starts with something as dismal as "Hello Everyone" is bound to be something of a downer. In a lot of ways, Today's Story is no exception; in a lot of ways, it is an exception. Next to that, this is a rather odd day to send a story (I just wrote one barely more than a week ago), but in a big way, it makes perfect sense. 13 years may not seem like a very long time for one life, but in a way, there's more life in our story today than in most.


This is a story about a young girl born to a young couple. She was brought into this world by God's grace on August 5th of 1998. She lived life, grew up like the rest of us, and accepted Jesus at a young age... her beginnings are probably rather similar to yours, but her life was as full as possible.

I met Lexi when I was around 7. I think. Point being, I can barely remember those days, it was so long ago. We were both taking part in a Latin class at a friend's house. It was so fun. We learned, we ate food, we read from the Children's Bible, we played Sharks and Minnows. Life was pretty chill.

For me, that class lasted only two or three years. After that, I rarely saw Lexi, but when I did, it was always a wonderful privilege. She seemed to show up at neat events; homeschooler's Legoland day, our homeschool talent shows, our other homeschooling friend's birthday parties (see a pattern?), and I distinctly remember seeing Lexi living out a Jesus-filled life.

At the talent show, she was reciting Scripture. At Legoland, she was encouraging others and giving her time to help the adults. And everywhere, she was smiling. Y'know that cheesy children's song about having "the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in your heart"? Maybe it's not so cheesy. Lexi truly had the joy of Christ deep down in her heart.

I said earlier that it makes a lot of sense that I would send this story today. That's because on June 5th of 2012, Lexi... well, she went home.

I was at my house. A lot of my friends were in Colorado at a competition. Lexi also happened to be in Colorado on a camping trip with her church family. From everything I was told, she went out running, came back to her RV, sat down on the floor, and experienced a major brain aneurysm that killed her immediately. Something strange happened. She was healthy, so it was entirely unexpected.

Unexpected, but still planned and perfectly understood by God; all sovereign and all wise.

I think the biggest challenge for me in Lexi's death is not about how much I lost, but how much I've gained. Her death reminded me vividly of the both the fragility and the beauty of life. She died, in our eyes, at a very young age, yet she allowed her life to be filled with the joy of the Spirit, the love of Christ, and a hunger for God. A "young" death is not a waste if the life was not wasted.

I asked a good friend of mine to write up a little note about Lexi's life. You can read it below. Both of us appreciated her greatly, because she deserves it. Let's not allow her death to be in vain. Let's, for Lexi's sake, and for Christ's sake, focus on eternal things, focus on loving others, and focus on serving Jesus with all we have.


"Lexi was truly a gift that inspired and blessed every individual that had the opportunity to meet her. Her passion for the great outdoors and the desire to learn and comprehend all that could be known about nature is fascinating. I vividly remember times such as bird watching fieldtrips where I would hear a noise, thinking that it was a bug, and Lexi would yell out “guys do you hear that common redshank?” or whatever it could have been. She surprised me time and time again with her ability to recall everything about everything. Her love for learning about her Gods creative work in nature should strike us in a way to follow her lead.

Lexi’s smile made burdens light. If you were a stranger that never met her, you would ask yourself “why does she smile so much?” and the answer is as simple as, she had nothing to not be smiling about. She was the epitome of optimistic. Whether she has a horrible cold, headache, or simply didn’t feel right, she would never cease to hide what she felt so others would continue smiling. Her love for the show ‘I Love Lucy’ expressed itself in almost every situation. She would have a quote for every happening and everyone could count on her good timing to make them laugh. I simply can’t count the number of times I have been lifted up by Lexi’s smile, for in it, Gods face was shown.

Lexi prized the hearts and spirits of every person she met and always put her desires last. When Lexi served others she never thought in terms of how little, but rather how much. She set each and every conversation and friendship as a chief importance in her life. There is nothing she would not do for those who she considered her friends. She had no notion of loving partially, but loved with all her heart, soul, and mind. Lexi has left footprints in my heart that will be cherished for eternity and memories that will only make life a brighter place."


In loving memory of Alexandra Grace C.: August 5th, 1998 - June 5th, 2012 - Eternity with Jesus.